Tahmineh Monzavi

Dance in the Ruins, 2016, 3’48’’, Music : Aftab Darvishi

Dance in the Ruins, 2016, 3’48’’, Music : Aftab Darvishi

Past continues, 2016 

For Tahmineh Monzavi, the death of a cultural treasure is as painful as human beings death. The existence of past has influenced the young generation, but all the signs are disappearing progressivelly. The memory of people who used to live in these buildings has vanished. The artist chose to replace the emptiness of the atmospheres with the presence of women who are invisible in the muscularity of the society.

A part of the project « Past Continues » has been shot in Iran, the other in Afghanistan. 

Born in 1988 in Tehran, lives in Tehran

BA in photography, department of art and architecture, Islamic Azad University Central Tehran, Iran

Since 2006 when she started using the media of photography, she has focused on the young generation of Iran and on "social contradictions". In her works, she has been inding subjects that are taking place in secrecy and are unofficial in Tehran. These underground social layers are hidden from the eyes of the public and not everyone gets to see. She had the urge to show deeper, hidden currents within the Iranian society, culture and art.  She is working on long interval project of photo stories about women of Iran. She reveal taboos and sterotypes through the images of younger women and marginalizd people.