Parisa Ghaderi

Still, 2015, 5’27’’

Still, 2015, 5’27’’

Still is a short film about loss and denial, longing and trying to reconnectc through mundane means of communication.

Born in 1983 in Theran, lives in the USA

BA in Visual Communications, Art & Architecture University Tehran (Iran) in 2006 

MFA in Art and Design, University of Michigan (USA) in 2014 

Parisa Ghaderi is a visual artist, curator and filmmaker. She moved to the United States in 2009. In her work, she addresses the question of in-between through her personal situation, that feeling of "never having fully arrived and never having fully left". She deals with emotional and physical distance, compounded loss and the opacity of language. Using photography and video, she explores moments of pause that are filled with vulnerability, silence and contradiction.