Chando Ao, I’m a fish, 2019. Installation (fish, pebble, acrylic tank, all-directional motion base, camera vision motion tracking system, python, circuit board, battery), 39cm x 45cm. Courtesy of the artiste and YveYANG Gallery.

Chando Ao, I’m a fish, 2019. Installation (fish, pebble, acrylic tank, all-directional motion base, camera vision motion tracking system, python, circuit board, battery), 39cm x 45cm. Courtesy of the artiste and YveYANG Gallery.

Chando Ao and Wang Ye

>> Presented by YveYANG Gallery - Booth U 08

YveYANG is a space that presents emerging and newly established artists from all over the world. It is committed to carefully tracking the ever-emerging technological moment alongside artists who wrestle with the conditions that this moment presents. This task requires a constant reconsideration of disciplinary forms of knowledge and representational modes. YveYANG is eager to see the practice of art in turn generate its own technologies that can shape the world and our perception of it. YveYANG believes great art is not just an embellishment, but rather is an essential act that inspires the progression of human history.


The practice of Chando Ao (b. 1990) focuses on making machinery works that distributes a sensory experience to its audience. In experiencing this unique sensation that the artist has created and directed, the audience simultaneously obtains a new connection to the existing world.

Wang Ye works on multi-media projects that combine video, sculpture, handicraft, and installation. He draws inspirations from folk art as cultural heritage often reveals how aesthetic and value form and evolve. Previously, the artist has learnt the traditional fishing net knitting from his hometown and is currently studying Hunan embroidery.