Victoria Sin, A View from Elsewhere, Act 1 Part 3 / Illocutionary Utterances, 2018, Single-channel Video, Colour, Sound, 5’54”. Courtesy of the artist and Chi-Wen Gallery.

Victoria Sin, A View from Elsewhere, Act 1 Part 3 / Illocutionary Utterances, 2018, Single-channel Video, Colour, Sound, 5’54”. Courtesy of the artist and Chi-Wen Gallery.

Victoria Sin

>> Presented by Chi-Wen Gallery

Renowned drag queen Victoria Sin combined their drag with multimedia art forms since 2013. Alternative narration is the aesthetic prominence of their video works. In “Illocutionary Utterances”, a high definition close-up of Sin's lip-sync in audacious makeup displayed over a sound piece, exploring how speech acts influences one’s ascription of gender. Speech acts which ascribe gender outside of a subject's control are compared to speech acts of self- identity. Sounds were erased from Sin’s exaggerated mime attempts, whereas the lips still tried to sync with an altogether different voice.

Victoria Sin (b. 1991) currently lives and works in London, UK. Victoria Sin is an artist using speculative fiction within performance, moving image, writing, and print to interrupt normative processes of desire, identification, and objectification. Drawing from close personal encounters of looking and wanting, their work presents heavily constructed fantasy narratives on the often unsettling experience of the physical within the social body.